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Evolution AnyWhere is a SQL server tool that allows applications to connect seamlessly to a SQL server database through any internet connection. We developed Evolution Anywhere to overcome the restrictions of having your SQL database and application software on the same server or network.

Evolution Anywhere makes it possible for a centralised database environment which is ideal for most multi-branch businesses. A centralised databases allows for enhanced security, centralised updates, lower administration costs, reliable backups and most importantly real time processing to the databases where ever it may be required.

Evolution AnyWhere does not use Microsoft Terminal Services or Citrix and all applications run on the local PC. This means there is none of the frustrations of remote printing, importing or exporting of data and no RDP monitoring required.

Your remote Sage Evolution access solution. Connecting remotely to Sage Evolution Company Database using Internet connection is now simple, affordable and possible. Introducing EvolutionAnywhere.